inSecurities Podcast Episode 107: Vinson & Elkins partner Rebecca Fike joins the inSecurities podcast to talk about insider trading, the SEC’s use of artificial intelligence and data analytics to root out misconduct, and the Enforcement Division’s focus on reporting and disclosure cases, including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting. She also explains how the Commission’s focus on charging even technical violations feels a bit like the return of the “broken windows” approach to enforcement. Rebecca draws on her 10 years of experience in the Division of Enforcement to explain what captures the staff’s attention and how they investigate.
inSecurities is a biweekly podcast featuring in-depth conversations with senior regulators, top practitioners, and leading academics, along with "deep dives" on hot topics in the securities regulatory and enforcement world. In an increasingly complex business and regulatory environment, inSecurities co-hosts Chris Ekimoff, a forensic accountant with RSM, and Kurt Wolfe, a securities enforcement attorney at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, keep you current on key developments.
Featured In This Episode
Rebecca Fike