Becky Katz’s lifelong commitment to serving those in need led her to found JusticeAccess, a free online law library for Washington, D.C. residents who need a law library but lack access to one. Among the library’s long-term plans is providing training to non-librarians so they can learn to do legal research and show others how to find the answers they need
The Practising Law Librarian, part of the PLI Ever Current podcast, brings you conversations with — and for — the law librarian community. PLI is proud to offer resources to support the essential work of law librarians and practitioners including PLI PLUS, the award-winning legal research platform, and the PLI Librarian blog.
Please note: CLE is not offered for listening to this podcast, and the views and opinions expressed within represent those of the speakers and not necessarily those of PLI.
Featured in this Episode
Rebecca Katz
Rebecca Katz is Executive Director of JusticeAccess. She founded the organization after a winding professional path led to a place where time, experience, and connections combined to create the right conditions to identify a gap and fill it. The experiences Becky is most likely to boast about are her membership in the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau while in law school, her tenure as state archivist for the District of Columbia, and conforming to the stereotype of a librarian in comfortable shoes surrounded by many cats. She holds an MSLIS from Catholic University, a J.D. from Harvard Law, and a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis.