Susan Ryan, librarian in the Washington, DC office of Seyfarth Shaw, says that “all librarians are teachers.” She shares how she developed the idea for a blog on marijuana law and discusses other learning resources she has developed on topics such as conducting cost-effective research and skills for new associates.
The Practising Law Librarian, part of the PLI Ever Current podcast, brings you conversations with — and for — the law librarian community. PLI is proud to offer resources to support the essential work of law librarians and practitioners including PLI PLUS, the award-winning legal research platform, and the PLI Librarian blog.
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Featured in this Episode
Susan Ryan
Professor Susan Ryan is the librarian in the Washington, D.C. office of Seyfarth Shaw LLP. In addition to running the office library and answering research questions, she is also co-editor of Seyfarth’s’s The Blunt Truth blog and contributes to the firm’s ADA Title III News and Insights blog. Before joining Seyfarth, Professor Ryan worked at the Georgetown University Law Library as a reference librarian, where she was responsible for the library’s educational programming. She has published numerous articles on the subject of legal research and won a prize for her article on vendor price increases that appeared in 2001 in The Bottom Line. Professor Ryan has spoken at several librarian conferences and has participated as a speaker in the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.’s Legal Research Institute for over 20 years. She is a member of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C. and the American Association of Law Libraries. Professor Ryan has been a member of the Georgetown Law adjunct faculty since 2003.