Stocked with drafting checklists and sample drafting language, documents and drawings, the third edition of How to Write a Patent Application walks you step-by-step through the entire process of preparing patent applications.
This hands-on resource helps you:
- Get from an inventor all the information needed to prepare an effective application
- Claim an invention with sufficient breadth
- Claim an invention so that the elements that render the invention nonobvious are clearly set forth in the claims
- Claim an invention whose validity will be sustained by the courts
- Avoid damaging drafting mistakes such as faulty transitions, inconsistent terminology, incorrect verb forms, and deficient functional language
Completely up-to-date, How to Write a Patent Application analyzes the latest USPTO initiatives, and key decisions of the federal courts, and provides the author’s practical suggestions and commentary.
ISBN: 9781402425608
Page Count: 1,148 pages
Number of Volumes: 1