Widely appreciated by attorneys and inventors for its clear, uncomplicated approach to a complex field, Patent Law: A Practitioner’s Guide gives you a solid working knowledge of the legal framework governing patents, including:
- Developments under the America Invents Act
- Federal regulations and court decisions
- The widely accepted four-step test used by the courts to determine an invention’s patentability
- The various tests used to indicate direct infringement and other patent violations
- Drafting techniques used to prepare the full variety of documents, including specifications and claims
Patent Law features numerous time-saving sample forms, flowcharts, diagrams, and tables that quickly enhance your understanding of key patent law issues and hypothetical questions (with answers) that help prepare you for the real-world challenges of patent prosecution.
Updated at least once a year, Patent Law: A Practitioner’s Guide is a valuable guide for patent specialists and other intellectual property lawyers, corporate counsel and executives, inventors, and general practitioners representing inventors.
ISBN: 9781402418945
Page Count: 1,240 pages
Number of Volumes: 1