
Dr. Andrew Meisler is a clinical and forensic psychologist in practice in Hartford, CT. He has also worked for 29 years for the Department of Veterans Affairs, where he served as Clinical Director of an outpatient PTSD treatment clinic and where his primary responsibility for the past 22 years has been conducting psychiatric disability evaluations related to military service. 

Through his VA position Dr. Meisler holds clinical faculty appointments in the Departments of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, where he is involved in the training of Psychiatry residents and Psychology interns. He has been the recipient of federal research grants related to PTSD, served as a site investigator on a large-scale PTSD treatment study, and has published and presented nationally and internationally on topics including PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Forensic Psychological Evaluation, and Psychiatric Disability Evaluation. He and colleagues at the VA are leading a program of research examining psychiatric disability evaluations for PTSD claims with the VA system, with two peer-reviewed presentations and three publications in peer-reviewed journals during the past year.

Dr. Meisler has taught previous training seminars for attorneys, claims adjusters, and others, including: (1) Psychiatric Disability under the ADA, FMLA, and CFEPA: The psychiatric perspective, Connecticut Bar Institute, 2004; (2) Mental illness and disability: Understanding the clinical and legal minefield, CT Worker’s Compensation Commission and Office of the Attorney General, 2007; (3) If it’s not PTSD, is it still emotional injury? Issues of diagnosis and causation in personal injury, 1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychological Injury and Law, Toronto, Canada, 2009; (4) Emotional Damages in Employment Litigation: A View from the Bench and the Jury Box (panel discussant), Connecticut Bar Association, 2010; and (5) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Primer for Attorneys, Claims Resolution Managers, and Others in the Field, Office of the Attorney General & Workers’ Compensation Commission (State of CT) and Gallagher Bassett Insurance Co., 2017.  He served as panel discussant at PLI’s previous “Psychological Issues in the Workplace” seminars in 2020 and 2021.  A quick-reference guide, “ten red flags” in work-related psych assessments, was published online in 2010 at the AMAXX site:

Dr. Meisler's forensic psychology practice involves mental health evaluation spanning a wide range of legal cases in which there is a possible mental/behavioral element, and includes both civil and criminal cases. He routinely conducts RMEs for the State of CT insurer and the Office of the Attorney General in workers’ compensation claims. He also conducts evaluations for attorneys (both plaintiff and defense), employers, and insurance companies in a range of employment matters – including harassment, wrongful termination, and fitness for duty – as well as personal injury and disability cases. He has been deposed numerous times and has had extensive experience testifying in both state and federal court as well as at Connecticut’s Worker’s Compensation Commission and Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. He is licensed in CT and has served as an expert in cases in CT, RI, MA, VT, and NY.


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