Christina (she/her/ella) is a Staff Attorney with the Central American Resource Center (CARE) in Los Angeles where she represents unaccompanied minors and adults in removal proceedings. Prior to joining CARECEN, she was a Skadden Fellow with the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) where she represented both detained and non-detained immigrants in their removal proceedings. Christina has interned and volunteered for organizations such as the CARA Pro Bono Project, Centro Legal de la Raza, the ACLU of Southern California Immigrants’ Rights Project, Al Otro Lado, and the Los Angeles County Public Defender-Immigration Unit. Prior to law school, Christina work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). She is a graduate of UCLA School of Law, with a specialization in Critical Race Studies and Public Interest Law & Policy.