David is a partner in our New York office and is the leader of Global Funds Tax Advisory Services Group and the Homebuilding Industry Group. He has a nationwide practice with over 30 years of real estate, private equity, and infrastructure industry experience serving a wide variety of closed and open-end funds, public REITs, and home builders. David has a very practical and commercial approach to serving clients having served for several years as senior tax counsel and tax director to the London and Stamford offices of GE Capital.
David has vast experience advising clients on the U.S. tax aspects of a wide array of domestic and cross-border investments, including formation of partnerships and joint ventures, M&A transactions and due diligence, capital raising and fund-formation, debt-workouts and purchases of debt portfolios, leasing and tax-deferred exchanges, real estate securitizations, and separate accounts. He commonly advises investment managers on the unique tax considerations of institutional investors, including FIRPTA, ECI, the Section 892 and qualified foreign pension fund exemptions, and UBTI and common strategies to manage associated risks.
David is very active in both the Real Estate Committee of the American Bar Association’s Tax Section, for which he is Chair of the Subcommittee on Cancellation of Debt, and the Vice Chair of the Tax Policy Advisory Committee of Real Estate Roundtable. David has been a speaker at programs and conferences for the Practicing Law Institute, ABA Tax Section, AICPA, AFIRE, USC Tax Institute, Real Estate Roundtable, NCREIF, New York Private Equity Network and has authored articles on a variety of partnership, international, and real estate tax topics for the Journal of Real Estate Taxation, Journal of Taxation of Financial Products Financial Products, and Major Tax Planning. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Real Estate Taxation and is a former Adjunct Professor of Partnership Taxation at Fordham University.
David obtained his accounting degree from Florida State University, College of Business, J.D. (with honors) from American University Law School, and studied tax law at Georgetown University Law Center.