Ernesto A. Lanza is Chief Regulatory and Policy Officer of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, the federal self-regulatory organization that regulates broker-dealers, banks and municipal advisors engaging in municipal securities and municipal advisory activities. He leads the Market Regulation Department, which is responsible for the MSRB’s rulemaking activities, professional qualifications program, and regulatory coordination and enforcement support to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and federal banking regulators. He also provides strategic insight and counsel on regulatory policy matters to the MSRB board of directors and senior leadership staff. He previously served as the MSRB’s deputy executive director and chief legal officer and led the initial design, development and launch of the MSRB's Electronic Municipal Market Access system (EMMA).
Previously, Mr. Lanza served as acting director of the SEC’s Office of Municipal Securities and was in private practice at Ballard Spahr, Greenberg Traurig, Clark Hill and Holland & Knight. He received his law degree in 1988 from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and his B.A. degree in Government from Harvard University in 1985.