
Greg W. Naviloff, CPA, CFF, CFE, ABV has 25 years of audit, forensic and integrity, investigation, compliance monitorship, and business advisory experience. He has been retained as an expert on hundreds of occasions in matters concerning forensic accounting, commercial damages, fraud risk management and compliance. His practice leadership includes global corporate investigation services (including those in response to regulatory inquiries), anti-bribery/anti-corruption compliance, fraud risk management services, regulatory audits, and dispute and litigation support services.  

Greg specializes in highly complex commercial litigation involving damages, fraud, business valuation, technical accounting, and auditing issues. He has conducts internal investigations on behalf of audit and special committees of boards of directors in connection with restatements of financial results and in instances of suspected embezzlement, kickbacks, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations, and other fraudulent activity. Greg also has considerable experience quantifying damages/losses (including those arising from business interruption or associated with commercial disputes and litigation). 

Greg has extensive experience in industries ranging from financial institutions, life science, healthcare, construction, consumer products, oil, gas and mineral, industrial products, public sector, and non-profit clients. Greg has served as an independent integrity monitor and has assisted clients further develop effective compliance programs. Greg has testified and/or prepared expert reports, affidavits and rebuttal reports for use in various in state, federal, and alternate dispute resolution forums.