
Karin Kunstler Goldman is the Deputy Bureau Chief in the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau. Karin was the 2001-2002 president of the National Association of State Charity Officials and is a founding member of the Governance Matters (Now Board Strong). 

She has served on the advisory board of New York University’s National Center on Philanthropy and the Internal Revenue Service’s Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt Entities. As a volunteer, Karin participated in training programs conducted for charity regulators throughout the country by the National State Attorneys General Program at Columbia University Law School. Prior to joining the Attorney General's office, Karin was a Reginald Heber Smith Fellow and a staff attorney at South Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation. As an Eisenhower Exchange Fellow in Hungary, Karin worked with nonprofit organizations, government officials and legislative drafters in developing the law and regulations affecting Hungary’s nonprofit sector. She has consulted with government officials in Ukraine and China on the development of statutory regulation of charitable organizations in those countries. Karin was a guest of the People’s Republic of China at its 2007 International Symposium on Charity Legislation in China at which she was a speaker, and in 2015 she participated in workshops in China on the developing nonprofit law. Karin is a co-author of State Regulation and Enforcement in the Charitable Sector, a 2016 report of the Urban Institute. Karin and her husband, Neal, spent two years as Peace Corps volunteers in Senegal, West Africa. They have two children and four grandchildren. Karin has a law degree from Rutgers University Law School, a BA from Connecticut College and an MA from Columbia University.