Sara Dayan is the Deputy Chief of the Kings County District Attorney Office’s Mental Health Unit.
She is a graduate of NYU Law School and Brooklyn College. She joined the Kings County District Attorney’s Office in 2014, where she started out in the Domestic Violence Bureau and later joined the Mental Health Unit.
Sara is responsible for all CPL § 730 felony matters for the office. She reviews the psychiatric fitness reports on felony cases and conducts evidentiary hearings on fitness issues. Sara also handles all litigation concerning CPL § 330.20 “post-insanity” cases, which concern defendants who have taken a “not responsible due to mental disease or defect” plea. She regularly attends psychiatric examinations and conducts numerous contested psychiatric commitment hearings pursuant to CPL §§ 730 and 330.20. In addition, she has successfully litigated CPL § 330.20 cases in the New York State Appellate Division.