
A partner in Potter Anderson’s corporate litigation group, Brad’s practice focuses on business, corporate and alternative entities litigation in the Court of Chancery and the Delaware Supreme Court. Brad has deep experience litigating and providing advice regarding all aspects of the Delaware General Corporation Law, including proceedings involving appraisal, advancement and indemnification, books and records demands, and director election contests.  

He also advises directors, acquirers and financial advisors in connection with mergers and acquisitions and related litigation. Likewise, he regularly advises board committees in connection with investigations and conflict transactions.  

Past clients have singled Brad out for his “excellent judgment about how to handle complex situations” in the Court of Chancery and beyond. (Chambers USA Guide) They have also lauded his “deep knowledge” of Delaware practice, procedure and precedent and praised him as a “very smart and hardworking” litigator. (Chambers USA Guide) 

Members of the Delaware judiciary have also recognized Brad’s good judgment and standing among his peers. Brad has been appointed to serve as a special magistrate in a variety of matters, and the Chancellor has also appointed Brad to the Court of Chancery’s rules committee. Brad is an executive editor of Corporate and Commercial Practice in the Delaware Court of Chancery, the leading treatise on litigation in the Court of Chancery.  

Brad is also a frequent speaker at a variety of high-profile corporate law seminars and symposia, including the Tulane Institute of Corporate Law and the University of Pennsylvania Institute of Law and Economics, as well as seminars sponsored by the Practicing Law Institute and the American Bar Association.