13-Hour Program

See Credit Details Below


Why You Should Attend 

In the Digital Age, media and communications lawyers must keep abreast of emerging legal developments in the areas of First Amendment, newsgathering, reporter’s privilege, privacy, intellectual property, AI, access, international media law, and more. An expert faculty of law firm practitioners, in-house counsel, academics, and journalists will provide the comprehensive information needed to keep on top of this dynamic field. 

What You Will Learn 

After completing this program, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe recent advancements in electronic media regulation 
  • Identify key media and communications law issues in recent Supreme Court rulings 
  • Outline legislative, judicial, and regulatory developments in data protection and privacy 
  • Explain how current issues related to reporter’s privilege and newsgathering law are affecting journalism 
  • Describe the significance of recent intellectual property rulings 
  • Outline recent developments in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act 
  • Explain legal challenges faced in international media reporting 

Who Should Attend 

This program is designed for firm attorneys, in-house counsel and other professionals who practice in the fields of media and telecommunications, First Amendment law, data privacy, and corporate compliance in these and related areas.  

Special Features:  

  • AI in the newsroom today: Real-world examples from a leading global media organization. 
  • Attendee luncheon on the second day of the program 
  • Ethics: Engaging hypotheticals will present unique ethical situations that arise in the practice of media law. Earn one hour of Ethics credit. 

Program Level: Intermediate 

Prerequisites: An interest in media and communications law issues.  

Advanced Preparation: None

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Credit Details

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Credit Details For All Jurisdictions For This Program

JurisdictionStatusTotalCredit Details
Program Faculty
Floyd AbramsCahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
Stephanie S.. AbrutynDentons
RonNell Andersen JonesUniversity of Utah
Megan K. BanniganDebevoise & Plimpton LLP
Erik BierbauerNBCUniversal
Robert BrauneisThe George Washington University Law School
Alan ButlerElectronic Privacy Information Center
Cristina ChouAltice USA
Dale M. CohenUCLA School of Law / WGBH
Lucy A. DalglishPhilip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland
Marcus DelgadoNew York University
Jonathan R. DonnellanHearst Corporation
George FreemanMedia Law Resource Center
Caoilfhionn Gallagher QCDoughty Street Chambers
Jeffrey GlasserLos Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune
Michael J. GottliebWillkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Joseph C. GratzMorrison & Foerster LLP
Martha HellerParamount
Thomas G. HentoffWilliams & Connolly LLP
Karen KaiserThe Associated Press
David KayeUC Irvine School of Law
Kathleen A. KirbyWiley Rein LLP
Jane E. KirtleyUniversity of Minnesota
Jeffrey KosseffUnited States Naval Academy
Ambika KumarDavis Wright Tremaine LLP
Katharine LarsenThomson Reuters
David LatOriginal Jurisdiction
Thomas S. LeatherburyThomas S. Leatherbury Law, PLLC
Andy MarMeta
David E. McCrawThe New York Times Company
James A. McLaughlinThe Washington Post
JT MorrisFoundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)
Celia MullerA+E Networks
Elie MystalThe Nation
Leonard NiehoffThe University of Michigan Law School
Mary-Rose PapandreaUniversity of North Carolina School of Law
Jennifer L. PariserOppenheim + Zebrak, LLP
Laura L. PratherHaynes & Boone LLP
Kristi RamsayCNN
Jennifer E. RothmanUniversity of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Tom RubinOpenAI
Norberto Santana, Jr.Voice of OC
Randy L. ShapiroBloomberg L.P.
Deanna ShullmanShullman Fugate
Paul M. SmithGeorgetown University Law School
Gigi B. SohnBenton Institute for Broadband & Society
Mark Stephens, CBEHoward Kennedy LLP
Olivier SylvainFordham University School of Law
Dick TofelGallatin Advisory LLC
Katie TownsendReporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Vincent TripodiAssociated Press
Leita WalkerBallard Spahr LLP
Barbara W. WallGannett Co., Inc.
Sonja R. WestThe University of Georgia
Program Attorney
Program Segments

Electronic Media Regulation

Cristina Chou, Martha Heller, Kathleen A. Kirby, Gigi B. Sohn0:59:05
Program ID: 425330

AI and the Media

Stephanie S.. Abrutyn, Joseph C. Gratz, Tom Rubin, Vincent Tripodi, Jeremy Feigelson1:02:15
Program ID: 425327

Hot Topics in Communications Law: Issues Involving Section 230 and Digital Media

Erik Bierbauer, Jeffrey Kosseff, Ambika Kumar, Andy Mar, Jeremy Feigelson1:00:47
Program ID: 425324

Reporter’s Privilege and Newsgathering Developments

Dale M. Cohen, Thomas S. Leatherbury, JT Morris, Mary-Rose Papandrea, Kelli L. Sager1:00:50
Program ID: 425321

Privacy and Data Protection: Current Issues for Media Lawyers

Alan Butler, Jane E. Kirtley, Olivier Sylvain, Jeremy Feigelson0:59:44
Program ID: 425318

Updates in the Law of Media Access

George Freeman, James A. McLaughlin, Katie Townsend, Leita Walker, Kelli L. Sager1:01:55
Program ID: 425315

The Supreme Court and the First Amendment

Floyd Abrams, RonNell Andersen Jones, Elie Mystal, Paul M. Smith, Sonja R. West, Kelli L. Sager1:15:52
Program ID: 425312

IP, Lanham Act, and Right of Publicity Updates

Megan K. Bannigan, Robert Brauneis, Celia Muller, Jennifer L. Pariser, Jennifer E. Rothman, Jeremy Feigelson1:15:37
Program ID: 425309

The Media Business is Changing—How is the Law Keeping Up?

David Lat, Kristi Ramsay, Norberto Santana, Jr., Dick Tofel, Barbara W. Wall, Jeremy Feigelson1:15:28
Program ID: 425306

Hot Topics in International Media Law

Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, Karen Kaiser, David Kaye, Katharine Larsen, Randy L. Shapiro, Mark Stephens, CBE1:13:51
Program ID: 425303

Defamation and Related Claims: Current Issues for Media Lawyers

Jonathan R. Donnellan, Michael J. Gottlieb, Thomas G. Hentoff, David E. McCraw, Laura L. Prather, Kelli L. Sager1:01:46
Program ID: 425300

Legal Ethics for Media Lawyers: Current Issues

Lucy A. Dalglish, Marcus Delgado, Jeffrey Glasser, Leonard Niehoff, Deanna Shullman1:01:37
Program ID: 425297