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Why You Should Attend
Join our expert faculty to review the fundamentals of conducting an effective and efficient investigation using a real-world hypothetical with animated video to bring the story to life. Leave the program with a better understanding of how to handle investigations successfully for your clients or company. From commencement to conclusion, lawyers face numerous issues when conducting an internal investigation. Allegations by a whistleblower, ethical dilemmas, and managing the costs of an investigation are just some of the challenges that may arise. Companies and their counsel must anticipate potential risks and quickly resolve all issues before, during, and after the investigation.
What You Will Learn
• How to determine the nature and scope of the investigation
• Best practices to address document retention and data privacy issues
• Tips to effectively manage labor and employment law issues
• How to protect the attorney-client and work product privileges
• Gain insight into how the government uses, evaluates and weighs internal investigations and how to tailor your investigation accordingly
Special Features
• Real-world hypothetical scenario with animated video to structure program (different scenarios for the NY and Chicago locations)
• Earn one hour of Ethics credit
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: An interest in conducting internal investigations and the preparation of internal investigation reports.
Advanced Preparation: None
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.