1-Day Program

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The Internet of Things continues its ever-expanding reaching but requires counsel to navigate, or possibly create, the legal framework to allow IoT and its users to achieve their potential benefits.

Why You Should Attend

Now in our 7th Year! The Internet of Things continues its ever-expanding reach. Ubiquitous electronic objects identify, sense, calculate and communicate on a massive scale. The collection of raw data and conversion into processed information presents a dizzying array of possibilities. As is usually the case, technology presents opportunities but requires counsel to navigate, or possibly create the legal framework to allow IoT and its users to achieve their potential benefits, while preserving individual, societal rights.

What You Will Learn

  • Why IoT involves much more than just fun, home appliances, and touches consumer, retail, commercial, industrial and government sectors
  • The complexity with cybersecurity and privacy for little IoT devices with no screens creating big risks
  • How autonomous vehicles are navigating the road and cyberspace
  • Why healthcare, which has long used "connected" and roaming little devices presents useful best practices for all sectors of use
  • Learn how regulators aim to protect consumers & even businesses

Who Should Attend

Attorneys seeking an introduction into the regulations, possibilities, and perils surrounding the Internet of Things.

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