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Why You Should Attend
This two-day program provides an introduction to financial products and the underlying issues commonly encountered by clients. A faculty of experienced attorneys will introduce the varying kinds of financial products, their individual structures and uses, and the impacts of recent regulatory developments. This comprehensive program is especially helpful for those needing a primer on dealing with the more common financial investment products in the marketplace today. In addition to exploring individual financial products, there will be an in-depth assessment of what client priorities will look like in 2025.
Rounding out the program on day one is an in-depth overview of “hot topics” related to financial products, including the introduction of new products in the industry, like ESG-related products or investing, event contracts and AI use cases.
Rounding out the program on day two is an overview of what legal ethics issues attorneys should anticipate in the current regulatory environment when working with various financial products, including the duty of competence, duty of confidentiality and attorney client-privilege, attorney work product doctrine and duties owed by in-house counsel to a financial institution. The legal ethics rules that are commonly in play when working with novel technologies, like generative artificial intelligence (“AI”) will also be analyzed.
What You Will Learn
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Gain insight into financial products and their structures
- Recognize the jurisdiction of the various regulators that operate in the United States and the financial products that are subject to their jurisdiction
- Become familiar with the structure of various securities products
- Become familiar with the basic economics of derivatives
- Understand distributed ledgers, cryptocurrencies, and tokens
- Identify the common issues that trigger legal ethics rules when working with financial products and novel technologies in the financial markets
- Gain exposure to hot topics in the financial product space and novel financial products being introduced into the financial markets
Who Should Attend
Attorneys and other professionals seeking an in-depth introduction or refresher to financial products.
Special Feature(s): N/A
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisites: none
Advanced Preparation: none
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.