See Credit Details Below
Why You Should Attend:
This program is designed for legal professionals who are new to consumer financial services practice or may need a refresher on key consumer financial services legal requirements. The agenda features a comprehensive review of consumer finance laws and regulations, defining key terms and identifying relevant regulatory bodies while spanning a range of consumer finance products from auto loans and credit cards to investment products in its review. Our experienced faculty draw from financial services and private legal practice, carrying with them years of experience in multiple facets of consumer finance law.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Establish and apply a working knowledge of consumer finance law
- Understand the regulatory landscape including the primary regulatory agencies and applicable laws
- Recall how common consumer financial services like home and auto loans, credit cards, investment products and consumer banking operate
- Issue spot common legal risks in the consumer finance
Who Should Attend:
Legal professionals who are seeking a review of consumer financial services fundamentals should find this program to be helpful.
Lecture Topics [Total time 00:09:20]
Segments with an asterisk (*) are available only with the purchase of the entire program.
- Opening Remarks* [00:09:19]
Jon Vigano - Consumer Financial Services - Primary Regulators [01:18:48]
Jonice Gray Tucker, Jeffrey P. Ehrlich, Andrew Cook - Consumer Financial Services Common Legal Risks - Part 1 [01:01:35]
Gregg L. Rozansky, Brian H. Guy, Randal Shaheen, Peter D. Hardy - Consumer Financial Services Common Legal Risks - Part 2 [01:03:50]
Jon Vigano, Akeela M. White, Stephen J. Newman, Stefanie H. Jackman, Asma Hamdan - Consumer Financial Services - Consumer Banking [01:01:42]
Jennifer Aguilar, Alison M. Hashmall, Paul J. Ferak - Consumer Financial Services - Home Lending [01:06:33]
Holly Spencer Bunting - Consumer Financial Services - Auto Finance [01:01:50]
Jessica M. Wiles, Kelly Lipinski - Consumer Financial Services - Investments [01:03:21]
Clifford E. Kirsch, Joseph M.. Gallo, Priya Udeshi Crick - Consumer Financial Services - Credit Cards [01:02:24]
John K. Van De Weert, Kourtney J. Knop
The purchase price of this Web Program includes the following articles from the Course Handbook available online:
- Complete Course Handbook
- Mayer Brown, Legal Update, CFPB Makes Temporary Revisions of Default Servicing Rules to Assist Borrowers at Risk of Foreclosure (July 27, 2021)
Holly Spencer Bunting - Mayer Brown, CFPB Addresses RESPA Compliance for Digital Comparison-Shopping Platforms (February 21, 2023)
Holly Spencer Bunting,Kerri E. Webb - Mayer Brown, US FTC, DOJ, EEOC and CFPB Release Joint Statement on AI, Discrimination and Bias (April 28, 2023)
Christopher B. Leach,Holly Spencer Bunting,Marcia E. Goodman,Rajesh De Arsen Kourinian,Rajesh De Kourinian,Tori K. Shinohara - Mayer Brown, CFPB Addresses the Fine Lines of Appraisal Independence (March 21, 2023)
Holly Spencer Bunting,Kris D. Kully,Krista Cooley - Mayer Brown, New Rule Allows for Mortgage Servicers to Provide Faster Relief to Borrowers Impacted by the Pandemic (July 13, 2020)
Christa L. Bieker,Holly Spencer Bunting,Krista Cooley - Mayer Brown, Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity Laws
Holly Spencer Bunting - Mayer Brown, Truth in Lending Act (“TILA”) and Regulation Z
Holly Spencer Bunting - Mayer Brown, Mortgage Servicing Regulatory Compliance
Holly Spencer Bunting - RESPA Section 8
Holly Spencer Bunting,Kerri E. Webb - Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 12 CFR Chapter X, Authority of States to Enforce the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
Andrew Cook - Orrick, State Attorneys General Handbook (2023)
Andrew Cook - Compliance with Regulation CC (Updated May 15, 2013)
Paul J. Ferak - Federal Reserve System, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 12 CFR Part 229, Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks (Regulation CC) (June 10, 2019)
Paul J. Ferak - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR Part 1030—Truth in Savings (Regulation DD) (Amended December 30, 2011)
Paul J. Ferak - Collectors, ABA Bank Compliance (May–June 2021)
Rene McNulty, Ballard Spahr, Stefanie H. Jackman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681a—Definitions; Rules of Construction
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681b—Permissible Purposes of Consumer Reports
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681m—Requirements on Users of Consumer Reports
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681n—Civil Liability for Willful Noncompliance
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681o—Civil Liability for Negligent Noncompliance
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681s—Administrative Enforcement
Stephen J. Newman - 15 U.S.C. § 1681s–2—Responsibilities of Furnishers of Information to Consumer Reporting Agencies
Stephen J. Newman - 12 CFR § 1022.42—Reasonable Policies and Procedures Concerning the Accuracy and Integrity of Furnished Information, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Stephen J. Newman - 12 CFR § 1022.43—Direct Disputes, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Stephen J. Newman - Appendix E to Part 1022—Interagency Guidelines Concerning the Accuracy and Integrity of Information Furnished to Consumer Reporting Agencies, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Stephen J. Newman - Milgram v. Chase Bank USA, N.A., et al., No. 22-10250 (11th Cir. 2023)
Stephen J. Newman - Transunion LLC v. Ramirez, 141 S. Ct. 2190 (2021)
Stephen J. Newman - CFPB Enforcement, Ch. 18, Practicing Law Institute, Consumer Financial Services Answer Book 2024
Jonice Gray Tucker,Kristopher Knabe,Matthew P. Previn - OCC Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management, 88 Fed. Reg. 37920, No. 111 (June 9, 2023)
Gregg Rozansky - FDIC Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management (June 6, 2023)
Gregg Rozansky - Description of OCC Interagency Guidance
Gregg Rozansky
Presentation Material
- Primary Regulators- State Attorneys General
Andrew Cook - Primary Regulators—the CFPB
Jeffrey P. Ehrlich - Prudential Banking Regulators
Jonice Gray - Community Reinvestment Act
Brian H. Guy - Legal Issues Inherent in Consumer Financial Services Marketing
Randal Shaheen - Telephone Consumer Protection Act
Randal Shaheen - Third Party Risk Management
Gregg L. Rozansky - A Primer on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Military Lending Act
Akeela M. White - Consumer Financial Services Common Legal Risks - Part 2
Asma Hamdan - Creditor Collections 101
Stefanie H. Jackman, Jon Vigano - Introduction to the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Stephen J. Newman - Consumer Financial Services 101: Fundamentals of National Bank Charters
Alison M. Hashmall - EFTA and Regulation E
Jennifer Aguilar - Expedited Funds Availability Act (Reg CC)Truth in Savings Act (Reg DD)
Paul J. Ferak - Home Lending
Holly Spencer Bunting - Auto Finance- Consumer Finance Bootcamp 101
Kelly Lipinski, Jessica M. Wiles - An Introduction to the Regulation of Credit Card Lending
Kourtney J. Knop
This program is designed for legal professionals who are new to consumer financial services practice or may need a refresher on key consumer financial services legal requirements. The agenda features a comprehensive review of consumer finance laws and regulations, defining key terms and identifying relevant regulatory bodies while spanning a range of consumer finance products from auto loans and credit cards to investment products in its review. Our experienced faculty draw from financial services and private legal practice, carrying with them years of experience in multiple facets of consumer finance law.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Establish and apply a working knowledge of consumer finance law
- Understand the regulatory landscape including the primary regulatory agencies and applicable laws
- Recall how common consumer financial services like home and auto loans, credit cards, investment products and consumer banking operate
- Issue spot common legal risks in the consumer finance
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.