PLI "Safe Return" Policy for In-Person Programs
PLI has resumed live programming in both New York and San Francisco as well as our offsite venues. Learn about our "Safe Return" policy to protect attendees, faculty, and staff.
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The global pandemic has presented employers previously unimaginable challenges—about the way we work, and about employees’ and employers’ expectations around work. Prior settled views about the value of physical presence at a workplace and proximity to colleagues have either evaporated or holding on for dear life, depending on one’s point of view, while hybrid working, a term that scarcely existed two years ago, seems to be here for good. While perhaps not everything has changed, much is, at the least, being rebottled.
This annual, full-day event, a convening of top employment lawyers from around the globe, will consider what has changed, what has remained the same, and what is essential for employment lawyers to know as we move into the third year of this new world order. We will, again, bring together a first-class group of highly experienced and sophisticated practitioners, in-house counsel, and senior human resources executives, who will present, in a practical way, how best to advise the multinational employer and HR professional on hot-topic employment law issues.
What You Will Learn
- Hear how the experts are navigating the post-pandemic global workforce: returning to work, vaccines and testing, managing a remote, global workforce, and more.
- Evaluate cross-border employment agreements: As employees increasingly work remotely, these agreements are under new scrutiny. Methods of compensation, as well, are evolving, with increased focus on incentive or variable compensation, new emphasis on flexible hours, and the ever-present issue of consultants and contractors, who continue to change the workplace
- Explore the globalization of employee privacy, as exemplified by the GDPR and its expansion into Asia, the United States, and all parts of the globe. Harmonizing these new requirements is a continual challenge for multinationals.
- Analyze key differences between U.S. and overseas legal frameworks and union/management relationships, multi-national unions, how unions and works councils differ, and how employers can most effectively work with unions and works councils
Special Features
- Earn up to 1.5 hours of Ethics credit: Regulators have not stood still during the pandemic. This panel will discuss the renewed focus on codes of conduct, enforcement of anti-bribery and corruption statutes, and cross-border prosecution of whistleblower claims.
- NY Transitional credit available, including up to two full hours of Professional Skills credit