6-Hour Program

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Why You Should Attend

Legal and compliance personnel at investment advisers are dealing with a challenging and dynamic regulatory landscape, including a comprehensive new rule governing marketing activity, ongoing exam and enforcement scrutiny and a host of new rules that have been proposed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. All in all, the SEC has set high expectations for advisers in identifying and responding to conflicts of interests and for providing robust and targeted client disclosures.

At the same time, the business landscape is dynamic with the emergence of digital advice, “break-away” broker dealers and continued innovation regarding advisory programs, including model-based programs.  

At this program, attendees will get a solid foundation in the regulatory regime applying to investment advisers. Attendees will learn how the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and state securities laws interact in governing the advisory industry. In addition to providing a solid foundation, the program will provide extensive discussion and analysis regarding “hot topics” facing advisers today. 

A distinguished faculty will offer insights into recent developments, including the SEC’s adviser exam program and recent enforcement cases.

What You Will Learn

After completing this program, participants will be able to: 

  • Know who the regulators are and how they interact
  • Discuss the lessons that can be learned from recent enforcement actions against advisers
  • Better understand how the SEC’s new marketing rule impacts adviser advertising and solicitation activity
  • List the SEC’s 2024-2025 exam priorities related to advisers
  • Recognize how advisers need to respond to cyber breaches if the SEC’s proposed cyber rule for advisers is finalized  
  • Know how an adviser registers with the SEC
  • Better understand what determines whether an adviser is SEC-registered or state-registered
  • Describe an adviser’s fiduciary duty 
  • Summarize how conflicts of interest managed and disclosed

Who Should Attend

Attorneys and business professionals seeking to understand investment adviser regulation, should attend this program. Additionally, the program provides a refresher to those already working in the investment adviser industry. 

Program Level: Basic 

Prerequisites: An interest in investment adviser issues.

Advanced Preparation: None


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Credit Details For All Jurisdictions For This Program

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Program Segments

An Overview of the Advisers Act and the SEC’s Regulation of Investment Advisers

Issa J. Hanna, Clifford E. Kirsch1:03:16
Program ID: 425048

An Inside Look at the Investment Advisory Business

Richard L. Chen, Jessica Howell, Josh Rubin, Clifford E. Kirsch0:58:39
Program ID: 425045

The Advisers Act Fiduciary Duty; Form ADV: What You Need to Know

Meghan Irmler, Priya Udeshi Crick, Clifford E. Kirsch1:00:10
Program ID: 425042

State Regulation of Investment Advisers

G. Philip Rutledge, Tracy M Soehle, Dylan White1:00:17
Program ID: 425039

Advisers to Private Funds

Amber MD. Allen, Genna Garver, Jeff Himstreet0:59:51
Program ID: 425036

The SEC’s 2024-2025 Investment Adviser Exam and Enforcement Programs

Maurya C. Keating, Kristin A. Snyder1:15:05
Program ID: 425033