1-Day Program

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Why You Should Attend

 Complexity when addressing legal obligations for data, privacy, and the interaction between law and global data flows has never been greater.  Businesses can no longer effectively compete in today’s interconnected marketplace without leveraging data, monetizing it, and freely moving it across country borders.  Yet, the laws and other restrictions on the free flow of that data continue to emerge.  That is why implementing appropriate programs to comply with data protection laws emerging around the world has never been more important.  

In the last few years, we have seen a surge of legislative proposals, laws, regulatory frameworks, and reform initiatives as policymakers around the world grapple with how to regulate our digital revolution.  The United Kingdom and European Union are, again, led the way with its ambitious policy agenda, including the UK GDPR, DSA, the DA, the DGA, the AI Act, to name a few, which, taken together, represent a new global dynamic.

We see other regions attempting to stimulate their own markets via localization initiatives or enacting comprehensive data protection laws with an aim of achieving adequacy, and, underpinning all of these initiatives is, digital sovereignty.  Brazil enacted its General Data Privacy Law (“GDPL”), China enacted the Personal Information Protection Law, and California’s recently updated its laws via the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) to introduce a new California Privacy Protection Agency, the first of its kind in the United States.  Other states have enacted similar legislation (Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia).  Simply put, policymakers want to ensure that the digital economy is regulated within their own national or regional borders instead of beyond the reach of local courts and authorities. 

In the midst of this transformational landscape, and to complicate an already complex area, companies are dealing with a spike in cybersecurity disruptions or ransomware attacks impacting global operations.  Those concerns have been more pronounced during military operations, and in an increasingly hostile political environment, during presidential election cycles.

This program – now in its eighth year – brings together individuals charged with formulating their organization’s global data and privacy governance strategy.  It is for those of you who must implement responsible AI frameworks, in the context of prolific global privacy laws, to determine the right approach for your organization.  What are the practical implications of your chosen approach?  What are the risks?  And how do you exploit the opportunities with generative AI to you advantage?  This program is for privacy and data governance practitioners within every organization – legal, compliance, IT security, and audit – hoping to gain insights and practical information about the ongoing conversation surrounding the global regulatory landscape on data.

What You Will Learn

 After completing this program, participants will be able to:
• Gain insights on key substantive and procedural compliance recommendations for GDPR, CPRA, VCDPA, GDPL, PIPL, and other privacy laws
• Build on the fundamentals for AI governance through transparency, fairness, privacy, and human oversight
• Set your organization’s compliance strategy 
• Heed advice from distinguished experts from both government and industry on legislative developments on how to manage and avoid enforcement risks

Who Should Attend

 This program is intended for general and solo practitioners, transactional attorneys, general and corporate counsels, in-house lawyers and legal professionals supporting any client with information risk issues.

Special Feature: Earn Continuing Privacy Education credit

Program Level: Intermediate 
Prerequisites: An interest in global data protection issues.  
Advanced Preparation: None 


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