2-Hour Program

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Why You Should Attend 

Developed for banking law attorneys at all levels of expertise, this half-day ethics program will provide critical and pertinent guidance on how to handle common scenarios in the banking law sector that trigger the legal ethics rules, as well as varying state and federal laws and regulations. 

Consideration will also be given to cybersecurity ethics, including New York’s Rules of Professional Conduct, the ABA Model Rules and related ethical opinions, as they apply to electronic data and communication. Attendees will take an in-depth look at the rules of legal ethics (including ethical issues relating to cybersecurity in legal practice), making them better equipped to navigate scenarios where the next right step isn’t so clear. 

Banking law attorneys at all levels of expertise will find this ethics program valuable.

What You Will Learn 

After completing this program, participants will be able to: 

  • Better understand the roles of attorneys and what legal ethics rules apply to these roles.
  • Have an improved understanding of the legal ethics rules, including cyber ethics rules, that arise in the context of an electronic data breach or cyberattack, including:
    • Assisting banking clients effectively manage and respond to the risks posed by a cybersecurity attack;
    • Cyber ethical challenges in determining whether to pay a ransom in the event of a ransomware attack; 
    • Assisting banking clients manage communications, notifications, reports and attestations to key stakeholders;
    • Assisting banking clients establish best practices to prevent a future cyber attack; 
    • Duty to safeguard confidential information against unauthorized access or loss;
    • Duty of confidentiality; 
    • Duty of competent representation; and
    • Duties of communication and honesty.
  • Know how attorneys report on compliance violations without jeopardizing their duty of confidentiality with the client.
  • Improve their familiarity of the legal ethics rules that define the duties attorneys have to the banking organization.
  • Anticipate which legal ethics rules (including ethical issues related to cybersecurity in legal practice) are being triggered
  • Identify when attorneys are obligated to report wrongdoing, and the best practices for doing so.

Who Should Attend 

Attorneys at all levels who are involved in banking law. 

 Special Feature(s): n/a

 Program Level: Overview  

 Prerequisites: None. 

 Advanced Preparation: None. 

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