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Why You Should Attend
Race discrimination in the military is pervasive and can have detrimental effects on service members’ lives and their mental health. Over 50% of people of color in the military have witnessed white nationalism or racism while serving. Moreover, not unlike other aspects of the criminal justice system, people of color in the military are both investigated more often and punished more severely than their white counterparts. This means they are more likely to leave the military with a less than honorable discharge, limiting their access to many VA benefits. Race discrimination in service can also be experienced by many service members as a psychological trauma and lead to long-lasting mental health conditions. Advocates can provide significant assistance to veterans who have suffered from racist harassment and abuse by helping them obtain access to VA benefits (including healthcare) and monetary compensation for disabilities developed as a consequence of that discrimination.
What You Will Learn
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Understand and analyze the history and current state of race discrimination in the military;
- Recognize the impact of race discrimination on veterans including issues of military justice and ongoing mental health implications;
- Understand several legal pathways available to assist veterans who have suffered from race discrimination in service.
Who Should Attend
Attorneys who wish to expand upon their knowledge of VA benefits and DOD discharge upgrades and want to help change the life of a veteran impacted by racial discrimination during service would benefit from attending this program.
Special Feature(s): Scholarships are available to attend this program.
Program Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: An interest in helping veterans assert their rights.
Advanced Preparation: None
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.