See Credit Details Below
Why You Should Attend
Whether you’ve done one deposition or one hundred, you need to know how to identify and exploit the opportunities they present and be prepared to handle the special situations that can arise during depositions. This program covers a range of topics and scenarios that can challenge even the most seasoned litigators. Our faculty of experienced litigators and deposition experts will outline proven solutions to some of this craft’s thorniest challenges.
What You Will Learn
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
- Prepare (but not over-prepare) your witness
- Handle the difficult deposition witness – whether that witness is yours or your adversary’s
- Manage difficult opposing counsel
- Seek (or resist) the deposition of a senior executive under the Apex Doctrine
- Understand the tactical use of Rule 30(b)(6) depositions
- Navigate remote depositions
Who Should Attend
Litigators and in-house counsel of every level of experience will find this program valuable.
Special Features: Earn up to 3.5 transitional Skills credits
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: An interest in preparing for or conducting depositions.
Advanced Preparation: None