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Why You Should Attend
Every corporate organization will inevitably fall under one or more legal or regulatory microscopes. It is the responsibility of certain individuals within those organizations to ensure that the images seen through those microscopes are accurate pictures of good governance, sufficient transparency, and appropriate corporate compliance. In striving to protect their companies’ financial and reputational well-being, these gatekeepers—as they are called—face their own risk of liability for wrongdoing, failing to prevent it, or missteps taken in response to misconduct.
Attendees of this popular course will be equipped with practical tools and valuable insight from experienced in-house and outside counsel, compliance officers, and government regulators. Attendees are encouraged to participate in real-world hypotheticals throughout the day, while learning to expertly navigate the complex roles and expectations of corporate gatekeepers.
What You Will Learn
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
• Assess the potential impact of SEC v. SolarWinds, such as enforcement exposure from the new SEC Cyber Rule
• Decide what gatekeepers can do to minimize their litigation risk
• Review the increasing importance of the roles CISOs and sustainability officers play in corporate compliance.
• Consider general privilege issues in in an internal investigation
• Understand how to appropriately handle whistleblower complaints
Who Should Attend
In-house counsel, compliance officers, defense counsel with focus on government investigations, human resources professionals, and executive managers would benefit from this program.
Special Feature: Sharpen your knowledge of gatekeeper responsibilities in a growing cyber era through animated hypotheticals and interactive Q & A.
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisites: Attendees should have some familiarity with federal regulatory compliance matters and corporate governance.
Advanced Preparation: None
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.