1-Hour Program

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This session will bring top-ranked Chinese lawyers to an intensive discussion and sharing on timely topics puzzling and concerning U.S. practitioners in the field.

When we talk about government enforcement and investigations between the U.S. and China, we understand the environment and protocols have been changed. So how to conduct an internal investigation in China? How to get the data out of China? How to find a way out when caught in-between the authorities of the U.S. and China? What to expect for the new year?

Topics to be addressed include: 

  • Self-introduction and open the dialogue; an overview of enforcement trends, especially in the area of ABC, data, export control and other areas of particular interest (10 minutes)
  • What are the top three cases and top three new laws we need to know about China’s legal market that happened in 2024? (10 minutes)
  • In light of the U.S. scrutiny on trade sanctions and other government enforcement measures, what counter-measures could the Chinese government take in the coming year? What are the dos-and-don’ts advice for U.S. practitioners in this regard? (10 minutes)
  • Is it still “safe” to conduct internal investigations for multinationals in China? When doing business in or with China on conducting investigations, what are the top three challenges and what are the recommendations or best practices for handling those challenges? (10 minutes)  
  • How to get the data out of China? What about the famous “Article 36”, “Article 41” and ICJAL? (10 minutes)
  • Companies looking to invest in the U.S. can be surprised by the extent of China-focused review ?when the companies and transactions don’t involve China. What is being seen in this area and what should companies be prepared for? (10 minutes)


Who Should Attend: In-house counsel, outside attorneys and other allied professionals experienced or exposed to cross-border government enforcement and investigations

Program Level: Update

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None



Gary Gao

Zhong Lun LLP


Harry Liu

King & Wood Mallesons

Leon Liu


Kate Yin

FangDa Partners

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