1-Hour Program

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Forty years ago, few lawyers would comment on a matter, participate in a roundtable discussion with lawyers from other firms or consider media as part of their litigation and crisis strategy. As a result, adversaries such as plaintiff law firms, NGOs, regulators, activists and others moved in to fill the void, leaving those parties who did not engage with communications at a distinct disadvantage.

Today, with no client immune from attacks and crisis, there is a much greater willingness by clients and their lawyers to engage in some level of communications. But most are still not very good at anticipating the “canary in the coal mine” and instead play Whack-a-Mole, responding rather than controlling the narrative.

While working within the rules of the profession, successful litigation and crisis communications hinges on effectively disseminating, leveraging, analyzing and acting on a wide array of factors. This session will share time-tested strategies for lawyers to understand enough about communications to engage with their clients, the media and online and allow them to make go/no go decisions more effectively.

Richard S. Levick, Esq., is a pioneer in litigation and crisis communications, author of multiple books and hundreds of articles on the subject, hosts the daily podcast In House Warrior for the Corporate Counsel Business Journal and is Chairman and CEO of LEVICK, a crisis, litigation and public affairs communications firm. Please join Mr. Levick as he discusses:

  • Litigation communications rules for lawyers [5 minutes]
  • Using legal documents to help build a narrative [10 minutes]
  • The critical import of intelligence and how it informs strategy [5 minutes]
  • The plaintiffs’ bar sophisticated approach to online and traditional media [10 minutes]
  • When the narrative forms: The importance of the first hours and days of a high profile matter [10 minutes]
  • The crisis and litigation communications team [10 minutes]
  • Developing a communications plan [10 minutes]

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