
John White is recognized as one of the top patent educators in the United States, having over 35 years of experience in all phases of the patent field. As a Special Counsel at Harness I.P., John is principally responsible for public outreach and advising clients on a host of strategic I.P. issues as well as offering patent procedure expert witness services. At PCT Learning Center, John has created an entire curriculum for IP support staff and attorneys/agents to learn the in and outs of international IP practice.

John began his technical career as a Field Engineer with the Federal Highway Administration specializing in bridge rehabilitation. Later, he worked as a Patent Examiner and the Special Assistant and Speech Writer to the Commissioner of Patents, Donald J. Quigg. Post law school, John founded what would become the largest patent searching and documentation entity in the U.S., supplying the needs of clients across the globe. He also founded the patent law firm, Berenato & White, and a patent education company. After selling the education company to the Practising Law Institute in the mid-90’s, John remained the author and principal lecturer for the course he created.

Since 1995, John has taught 30,000+ fellow patent practitioners in preparation for the Patent Office registration exam. He has also taught more than 400 Patent Examiners patent law and evidence, and has been qualified as a Patent Procedure Expert in several Federal District Court lawsuits. In addition, John served as an Adjunct Professor for the University of Virginia School of Law, and John Marshal Law School and has created numerous patent education programs and publications.

John has examined, written, and prosecuted thousands of patent applications in the United States and around the world.

Born in Bern, Switzerland, John graduated in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, and obtained his law degree from George Washington University. He regularly speaks and publishes on a host of patent topics.