
Kelli Sager has extensive experience representing media and entertainment companies and individual journalists, including broadcasters, cable companies, film producers and distributors,  newspapers and magazines, book authors, and Web publishers. She is a partner in Davis Wright Tremaine LLP’s Los Angeles office, and has regularly been recognized among the top lawyers in her field. Among other accolades, Kelli has been ranked by Chambers USA for more than ten consecutive years in its top tier of media attorneys in the country, including being listed as one of two “star” individuals nationwide in 2020, and she has been included as one of Lawdragon’s 500 Leading Lawyers in America since 2005. She also has been among the top lawyers recognized by the Los Angeles Daily Journal for many years, including being named in 2020 to its lists of Top 100 Lawyers, Top Intellectual Property Litigators, and Top Women Litigators. Kelli also was named Best Lawyers’ Los Angeles First Amendment Law “Lawyer of the Year” and Los Angeles Media/Entertainment “Lawyer of the Year” for 2019, and was named as the Litigator of the Year by the Beverly Hills Bar Association in 2019.

Kelli has served in leadership roles in many bar associations and non-profit organizations, including acting as the Chair of the ABA Forum on Communications Law, Chair of the IBA’s Media Committee, and President of the Media Law Resource Center's Defense Counsel Section. She also has volunteered for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for more than a decade, including serving as the chair of the Circuit Conference Committee, and currently is a member of the Circuit’s Public Information and Community Outreach Committee and its Cameras in the Court Committee.