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Why You Should Attend:
The faculty will discuss matters that counsel should consider including in arbitration agreements in light of current events and trends, such as specifying whether proceedings will be conducted virtually or in-person, diversity considerations in the selection of arbitrators, confidentiality undertakings and appropriate cybersecurity procedures.
This discussion is the third of a 3-part series and will be comprised of arbitrators, who review and decide on matters relating to arbitration agreements. The two other discussions of this series will be amongst litigators and corporate lawyers.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
Evaluate the importance of including certain matters in arbitration agreements based on current events and trends.
Reflect on both the benefits and risks of drafting arbitration commercial clauses generally.
Consider and foresee additional elements that they may want to incorporate in arbitration agreements going forward.
Appreciate the different perspectives that professionals may have on drafting arbitration agreements.
Who Should Attend:
Lawyers engaged in arbitrations who may benefit from hearing arbitration agreement drafting recommendations from arbitrators should find this program informative.
PLI’s Studio Briefings are on-demand video CLE programs that feature an intimate and engaging round table discussion format with legal and industry experts addressing a range of topics. Visit our landing page for our library of PLI Studio Briefings.
Lecture Topics [Total time 00:02:00]
Segments with an asterisk (*) are available only with the purchase of the entire program.
- Drafting an Arbitration Agreement in 2023: Practical Lessons [01:37:49]
Myrna Barakat Friedman, Stephanie Cohen, Richard Gray, Mark C. Morril, Lea Haber Kuck, Laverne Berry, John S. Siffert, Daniel H. Weiner, Benjamin SD. Kent
Presentation Material
- A Call To Cyberarms: The International Arbitrator’s Duty To Avoid Digital Intrusion
Stephanie Cohen, Mark C. Morril - An Examination of Institutional Arb-Med-Arb Protocols and Practices
- Drafting an Arbitration Agreement in 2022: 2021 Considerations
Myrna Barakat Friedman - Lenders' Trade Group Adopts Optional Arbitration Clause for Model Latin American Documentation
Richard Gray - The Arbitration of Intercreditor Disputes Among Financial Institutions
Richard Gray
Why You Should Attend:
The faculty will discuss matters that counsel should consider including in arbitration agreements in light of current events and trends, such as specifying whether proceedings will be conducted virtually or in-person, diversity considerations in the selection of arbitrators, confidentiality undertakings and appropriate cybersecurity procedures.
This discussion is the third of a 3-part series and will be comprised of arbitrators, who review and decide on matters relating to arbitration agreements. The two other discussions of this series will be amongst litigators and corporate lawyers.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
Evaluate the importance of including certain matters in arbitration agreements based on current events and trends.
Reflect on both the benefits and risks of drafting arbitration commercial clauses generally.
Consider and foresee additional elements that they may want to incorporate in arbitration agreements going forward.
Appreciate the different perspectives that professionals may have on drafting arbitration agreements.
Who Should Attend:
Lawyers engaged in arbitrations who may benefit from hearing arbitration agreement drafting recommendations from arbitrators should find this program informative.
PLI’s Studio Briefings are on-demand video CLE programs that feature an intimate and engaging round table discussion format with legal and industry experts addressing a range of topics. Visit our landing page for our library of PLI Studio Briefings.