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Why You Should Attend
In this hands-on Workshop participants will master the Form 10-K requirements and obtain takeaways to improve 10-K disclosures. Discussions involving core disclosure requirements and examples from Form 10-Ks will build a comprehensive understanding of each Form 10-K Item. Particular focus will be given to the business, risk factors, and management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) sections. Workshop leaders will guide participants through Form 10-K item-by-item, using PLI’s SEC Reporting Handbook and example filings from different industries.
What You Will Learn
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Apply the SEC’s Integrated Disclosure System and related resources to review and research Form 10-K disclosure issues
- Discuss key disclosures along with new and emerging issues in Form 10-K, including cybersecurity risks, clawback events, and Rule 10b5-1 plans
- Compare and contrast disclosures from example Form 10-Ks to identify effective and ineffective disclosure practices
- Build a comprehensive understanding of the MD&A requirements and apply them to case discussions
- Outline the SEC’s non-GAAP measure and metric rules and critique examples
- Understand the SEC staff’s “hot-button” issues, including frequent comment areas such as quantified MD&A analysis, non-GAAP measures, revenue recognition, segments, and contingencies
- Compare and contrast Form 10-Q versus Form 10-K requirements
- Review Form 10-K Part Three disclosures and their relationship to the proxy statement, including pay versus performance information in the proxy statement
What You Should Bring
To customize your Workshop and gain the most benefit from this interactive learning experience, we recommend you bring your company’s or a client’s most recent SEC filings: 10-K, 10-Q, and a recent 8-K. If you work with a company that is not yet public, filings from a company in your industry are a reasonable alternative.
Who Should Attend
This Workshop is geared for all SEC reporting professionals. Preparers and reviewers of financial statements, partners of public accounting firms and their staff, lawyers and corporate legal staff, investor relations professionals, audit committee members and others involved in the preparation of SEC filings will take away valuable practical information and skills necessary to succeed in the current SEC reporting environment.
Program Level
Attendees should have some prior experience with the SEC reporting process. We recommend first attending SEC Reporting Skills Workshop for Financial Professionals or SEC Reporting and Practice Skills Workshop for Lawyers or a SEC 101 Reporting Essentials Workshop so that you have the foundational tools and skills necessary for this program.
Advanced Preparation
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.